The Casualty Actuarial Society's Loss Simulation Model Working Party has just completed its charge. Their open source Loss Simulation Model (both run-time versions and source code) and a paper summarizing the working party's accomplishments, “Modeling Loss Emergence and Settlement Processes” was recently completed and posted on the CAS web site at The paper fully documents the model and tests completed to date, provides instructions for working with both the run-time and source code versions of the model, provides a bibliography for the benefit of those who will use the model to test loss reserving methods and models, and discusses future development and testing of the model.
Presentations on the Loss Simulation Model given at the 2010 Casualty Loss Reserve Seminar are also on the CAS web site, as well as help files for the model that include program instructions and instructions on how to customize this open source model.
A CAS Call Paper program was launched on October 20 entitled “Testing Loss Reserving Methods, Models, and Data Using the Loss Simulation Model.” Details are available at Participants will need to work with the Loss Simulation Model to develop enhancements to the model, perform additional testing, and apply the model to test alternative loss reserving methods and models.